Tweed Growth Management and Housing Strategy - Have Your Say
Tweed Shire Council have released a Draft Options Paper, Growth Management and Housing Strategy. It acknowledges that the Tweed is the fastest growing LGA in NSW with an additional 31,182 persons projected in the next 20 years, reaching 128,333 persons by 2041. The Tweed is in a housing crisis, experiencing, as much of Australia is, housing not meeting community needs.
The policy focus is on achieving greater housing choice and diversity, through the identification of where new housing and potential employment land might be located in the future. This type of planning is critical to the Tweed region as it develops over the next 20 years. Council are developing the Tweed’s plan to manage housing and employment growth: the draft Options Paper is the next step in the process.
Council have proposed ways to increase the supply of additional housing and employment land across the Tweed. Some options relate to specific locations while some relate to the whole of the Tweed. The proposed options, or changes, may be incremental and may (or may not) take place over time.
The proposal is now open for comment, submissions will close 22 March 2024. A report responding to feedback received during exhibition will be presented to Council in mid-2024, with a draft strategy to be prepared later in the year. The draft Options Paper, once finalised, will make up Council's Growth Management and Housing Strategy (GMHS).
Please reach out to if we can support you in preparing a submission, or provide advice relevant to your project.
Draft Options Paper, Growth Management and Housing Strategy | Your Say Tweed